10th day - Abdulazizkhan Madrasah

Abdulazizkhan Madrasah

Hello everybody ! 

How are you today, dears?!

Welcome to my blog馃寛 I始m very  happy to see you again in my blog馃グ

I keep on travelling to ancient sites and observe historical buildings!!! Today I visited Abdulazizkhan  madrasah!!!   I went there with my coursemates , as well as our lovely teacher was with us during the trip✨ Now I want to share my experiences with you 馃槏

First of all , I want to give some crucial information to you that I learned during today始s guided tour ✨


 It was built in 1652, a few centuries later than Ulugh-Beg Madrasah (built in 1417), Abdulazizkhan Madrasah, which stands across from it, is an integral part of Bukhara’s most outstanding architectural  ensemble.Abdulazizkhan Madrasah marks the remarkable progress of medieval Central Asian architecture; it shows us how amazingly high the skills of Central Asian architects, builders and artists were at the time. Abdulazizkhan Madrasah is a part of architectural ensemble of Ulugbek Madrasah, however, it is much bigger and more beautiful. Ulughbeg Madrasah, built during the reign of the Timurid dynasty, is moderate in size and decoration, while its counterpart is grand and ornate.

The pishtaq portal of the madrasah is amazingly high and splendidly decorated. The iwan gateway has many facets and ornamental stalactites. While the iwan of Ulughbeg Madrasah is plain and has inscribed citations from the Koran, Abdulazizkhan Madrasah’s is covered with verse lines of famous poets.

The decorative patterns of the latter are also different. They are not precisely geometrical or astral, as it was common; they are bright and rich wavy plant designs. There are even images of a Chinese dragon and a mythical bird called Simorgh inside them, which is a sign of Bukhara’s close relations with Silk Road kingdoms at the time. The walls and chambers of the madrasah show almost all the decoration techniques used in those times: relief majolica, marble carving, tile and brick mosaic, wall painting and even gilding.

There are pictures of Chinese dragon and bird of happiness Semurg on the walls, here you can also read poems of famous poets. Madrasah has two mosques - winter and summer, the walls and ceiling decoration is extremely luxury. In 1988 there was built museum exhibition, where were presented dervishes’ staffs, carved doors, boxes and more. The  summer and winter mosques in the madrasah are also splendidly decorated. The winter mosque is in the western corner of the entrance hall; the summer mosque stands right in the courtyard. The darskhona classroom features beautiful murals in blue on a white background. They depict landscapes like those of Chinese or Indian paintings.


In the following photos you can see inner part and courtyard of this Madrasah .

His key architects and designers included Muhammad Salih, Mawlana Muhammad Amin and Min Hakan Bini Khoja. While these masters relied on traditional construction techniques, the layout of the building was nonetheless intricate, and even today impresses with its splendor. However, they did not complete the decoration of the madrasah. The right part of the yard and the left side of the fa莽ade remained unadorned because a political coup took place in the country while Abdulazizkhan was away, and no master who could complete the work stayed there after it.

The restoration works of the Abdulazizkhan Madrasah were done in 1930 during the Soviet rule under the craftsmanship of Usta Shirin Muradov.

Also you can see a huge line of tourists here 馃獝 They have come from different foreign countries to see the beauty of Old City , Buhkara . We are glad to see them in our hometown 馃槍

At the end of my blog blog , I want to say that our today始s trip was so beneficial for us and we took some photos there ✨馃挮 Here you can see one of them馃槍馃獝

I will wait for your comments as usual 馃槍


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