Second day to the Ark

 The  Ark  fortress  (Second  day )

Hello  dears .Now  I  am  going  to  share  my  impression and  some  interesting  facts  that  I  learnt  during  the second  day  trip  in  the  Ark. During  this  trip  we  have  faced  some  troubles   because of some reasons .We  had difficulty to find foreigners to take an interview with them. Despite   this  situation,  today' s   trip was memorable and enjoyable . Let's  start  today's  blog ! 🙃😁😊

Today  we  learnt  the  Ark  fortress  deeply. We  gained  some  new  information  about  the  origin  and  history  of  it ,  the construction  of  fortress  and  also  the  legend of  Siyovush.🙃

At  the  beginning  of  the  twentieth  century the  Ark  was  like  a  city  in  the  city  of Bukhara.

Now  I  want  to  give  some  crucial  and necessary  information  about  the  Ark fortress.  It  has  large  museums . In  addition to  this,  it  has  a  history  department covering  various  periods  from  ancient  times to  the  present  day, a  numismatics department  with  a  collection  of  rare  old coins  and  others.

The  main  entrance  to  the  Ark  is  flanked with  two  pillar- like  towers . The  upper  parts of  the  towers  are   interconnected  by  a gallery  with  a  terrace  over  it ,  which  was used  by  musicians  or  the  city  guard.  A ramp  leads  to  the  gates  of  the  Ark  and further  through  a  long  roofed  corridor  to the  Jami  mosque . You can see it in this video🤗🤗🤗


A  narrow  street  lead  from  the  Jami  mosque  past  the  court  of  the  kush- begi room  , and  then  you  can  enter  the  court  of  welcomes  (salamhona) .  The  emir  received  his  subordinates  and  guests  there . We  can  see  the  throne  of  Emir  Olimkhan. The  throne  room  consists  of  some  artifacts and  handmade  items.  

And  as  I  said  earlier,  we  faced  with  some troubles  in  interviewing , because tourists  hadn't  come  yet . But  we  could  solve  this problem  😁😊  you  can  see  it  in  the  video that  I  put  into my  blog .🙃😉

At the end of my blog , I want to say that today's trip was unforgettable despite some troubles🙃😉We spent time enjoyable and learnt many things. 

I will wait for your comments ! 🙃😊😊


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