Ninth day -馃槆 馃ザ馃椏馃敤⚒️ Blacksmith Museum of Bukhara 馃棞️馃洜️馃棟️馃棥️馃ザ馃槆

Hello everyone 馃憢
I'm again with you. I'm glad to tell you about my impressions and give some new information about today's guided tour 馃槆
Today we visited Blacksmith's  Museum of Bukhara. It was amazing馃槏 馃ぉ. We learnt new information and gained new knowledge about some historical places of Bukhara .  

One   of  the  activities  of  the   Bukhara  Museum -preserve  is  to  revive and support traditional Buhkarain handicraft.
 In the XVI century, the blacksmithing- workshop set up in Bukhara. 

The Museum workshop is  a  living museum. Not only could we learn there the history of the ancient blacksmith 's craft , but also participate in making blacksmith products.

Usto Shokir  Kamolov , who comes from a family of blacksmiths , is the senior  researcher  of  the museum.
The museum was opened in 1992  and it is the only museum of this type in Uzbekistan. This is a must see as you are walking through the old city. 

Inside of the dome we can find several blacksmith ' s  stalls, selling the traditional Bukharin scissors in the shape of the storks and other birds . These are popular as souvenirs. 

At the end of my blog , I want to tell that we are pleased from today's trip .Also we took photos with my dears

I will wait your comments soon!


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