
Showing posts from November, 2023

10th day - Khoja Ismat Bukhori Complex

Ismat Bukhari Complex Hi everyone ! Today was the last day of our practical trip and we went to Khoja Ismat Bukhari Complex , which is considered one of the most important sites of Bukhara. Now I始m going to share my impression and experience with you!  Fisrt of all, I want to give brief  information about it .  Ismat Bukhari (pseudonym; real name Ismatullah) (1365, Bukhara - 1436) is a poet. Studied in Bukhara. He lived in Samarkand during the reign of Khalil Sultan and Mirza Ulugbek (1404-09; 1409-49). In the 30s of the 15th century, he left the palace and settled in Bukhara. Navoi writes in "Majolis unnafois" that "Khuja Ismatullo Movarunnahr is one of the nobles. He has perfected the knowledge of Zahir. Due to his excellent poetry, his poetry became famous." IB is one of the poets who wrote in Turkish, Persian and Arabic languages ​​and started the tradition of zullisonayn in the literary environment of Bukhara. His 8,000-verse divan and 1,035-verse work written

9th day - Djoybor Madrasah

 Bukhara women-girls madrasa Hello everybody !  Today we have been Djoybor Madrasah and now I am going to share my experiences with you !  "Joybori Kalon" madrasa was established by the decree of Bukhara Governor Abdulaziz Khan during the time of Subhonkuli Khan, that is, in the late 17th - early 18th centuries. The daughter-in-law of the Joybori family, Oyposhshabibi, the wife of Abdihoja Joybori, contributed to the construction of the madrasa. She was an extremely enlightened, pious woman who spared no money for the madrasah. Along with the madrasa, the mosque "Wolidai Abdulazizkhan" has also been built. Also, a pool - "Pool Nav" was built between these two buildings. Ayposhsha Bibi followed the age-old tradition in the construction of the madrasa. The palace is entered through an inner gate of a luxurious porch. To the left of the entrance is a mosque, and to the right is a series of stilted rooms leading to the roof. The madrasah is one-storied and has

8th day - Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

The Emir’s Palace in Kagan, Bukhara Hi dears ! Today we have the palace of Bukhara始s Emir which is located in Kagan. It was an amazing and memorable trip, because it was raining heavily when we reached there✨馃槄  So we tried to enjoy the weather and continue the trip. I can say that , despite the bad weather condition , we spent time enjoyable and it worths remembering again and again馃挆 We took some pictures ,also. Now I want to share my experiences with you ! The palace’s origins lie in the expansion of the Russian Empire to Central Asia in the second half of the 19th century. Towards the end of the century, strong diplomatic relations developed between Russia and the Bukhara Emirate, and the development of railways continued. The settlement of New Bukhara was established 12km from Bukhara, on the railway line to Tashkent, and New Bukhara became a base for the Russian military, engineers, and builders. In a sense, New Bukhara was also a diplomatic town, which hosted various offices tha

7th day - Sayfiddin Carvanserai

  Sayfiddin Carvanserai Hello my dear and near ones! How are you doing !?   I keep on travelling to several ancient sites of Bukhara and today始s destination was Sayfiddin Carvanserai, which is considered one of the most   important places in Bukhara始s trade system. So , now I am going to share my impression and experiences with you ! 馃挆 Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai - a prototype of a modern hotel Even in the distant past handicraft and trade were the main sources of state revenues. Trade and economic relations are constantly evolving. Along with the eastern bazaars and shops, caravan trade was most popular. Long caravans overcame long distances, carrying silks, jewelry, carpets, china, spices and other popular goods. An uneasy journey through the exhausting desert wore out the traders and their pack animals. They needed rest and lodging. Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai One of such specialized places was Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai in Bukhara, built in the XIX century. Caravanserais served as a kind

6th day - Jorabek Carvanserai

  Jorabek Carvanserai Hello everyone !  Today we visited to one of the most outstanding and popular places of Bukhara, museum of applied arts, early called as Jorabek Caravanserai. We spent time enjoyable and it was so memorable, as well. So , let始s start today始s blog !   Jo始rabek Caravanserai is a historical building located in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Here is some information about it:   Jo始rabek Caravanserai was built in the 16th century during the reign of the Shaybanid dynasty. It served as a resting place for merchants and travelers along the Silk Road.  The caravanserai is known for its unique architectural style, combining elements of Persian and Central Asian design. It features a large central courtyard surrounded by two-story arcades with rooms for accommodation.  Caravanserais played a crucial role in facilitating trade and commerce along the Silk Road. They provided shelter, food, and safety for merchants and their caravans, as well as a place to exchange goods and conduct bus

5th day - Ark Archaeological Park

 "Archaeological Park"   Hi dears ! Today we have been "Archaeological Park"  which was opened in the Ark fortress in Bukhara. It was an amazing trip . Now I始ll share my experiences with you馃挆⚡ Now, tourists can see the preserved foundations of the fortress in the "Archaeological Park", observe the sights of old Bukhara, and also participate directly in archaeological excavations according to their wishes.  On September 22, the opening ceremony of the "Archaeological Park" created in the Ark Fortress in Bukhara was held. This was reported by the regional administration . It is reported that during the occupation of Bukhara in 1920, two-thirds of the ancient fortress was completely destroyed. Therefore, this area was "surrounded" from the point of view of tourists. 103 years later, on the same day, a new tourist destination for foreign and domestic tourists - "Archaeological Park" - was established in the ruined part of the Ark

4th day - Govkushon Memorial Complex

 Govkushon ensemble Hi dears ! How are you doing !? I始m happy to share again an amazing trip to Govkushon Memorial Complex 馃檭 So , let始s start 馃グ   Govkushon madrasa was built in the early stage of the last middle ages, during the reign of the Shaybanids, in the 16th century. Various sizes of raw and ready-made bricks, wood, clay, stone, tin and similar materials were used in its construction. Between Govkushan madrasa and mosque, Shahrud disappeared. But this ditch was buried in the 1930s. The eastern side of the madrasah is two-storeyed, and there are single-storeyed cells and a mezana on the sides and back. The corner on the arch in the west of the peshtok is decorated with floral motifs, and the book part is decorated with suls letters. At the entrance, on the right, there is a mosque-room (classroom). The central courtyard (25×35 m) is surrounded by cells on four sides. The Khoja Mosque consists of an entrance porch, brick arched porches around the courtyard, a hall and a minaret.