5th day - Turki Jandi Mausoleum

 Turki Jandi Mausoleum 

Hello everyone! 

Today we visited one of the most famous ancient sites of Bukhara , Turki Jandi Mausoleum. Todayʼs trip was enjoyable and memorable. We went there with our coursemates , as well as our lovely teacher was with us. We gained new information about this place. Now I am going to express my impression and experience that I gained during todayʼs guided tour with you

Turki Zhandi mausoleum is a mausoleum located on Namozgoh Street, the old part of Bukhara . The mausoleum belongs to Turki Jandi, one of the famous imams of Bukhara in the history of the Middle Ages . Sources say that the mausoleum is located in the southern part of Bukhara, and there is also a stone well . The mausoleum is included in the national list of immovable property objects of the material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan .

The Turki Jandi mausoleum is located in the southern part of the city of Bukhara . Turki Jandi cemetery was also located in this area. The mausoleum belongs to Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn Fazl ibn Musa al-Muzakkir al-Jandi . Many scholars and scholars were buried in this mausoleum and cemetery . Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn Fazl ibn Musa al-Muzakkir al-Jandi died at the beginning of the 11th century. A building was built on top of the Turki Jandi mausoleum, which fell into ruins in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Turki Jandi cemetery has been demolished and replaced by residential buildings. There was a tomb on the southeast side of the site of this architectural complex. According to the researches of the orientalist Komiljon Rahimov , the Karakhanid ruler Shams ul-Mulk Nasr ibn Ibrahim (1068-1080) was buried in this tomb. According to the map of the city of Bukhara of 1911-1912 of Parfenova-Fenina, the tomb of Shams-ul-Mulk was entered as the grave of "Gorkhonayi Khaqan"  .

Bye Dears ! 


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